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The Dyssekilde

By Birgitta Steen

This book marked the Dyssekilde Eco-community’s 25th anniversary by depicting how one of Denmark’s oldest eco-villages looks now, after 25 years of constant forward movement from vision to manifestation.


It takes you to the other side of the sustainable house walls and lets you get acquainted with the people who live there. It offers a rare glimpse into village life: the homes, daily lives, family moments, loves and work days in Scandinavia’s largest willow tree water treatment facility through the changing of the seasons.


Founded in 1989, today the Dyssekilde Eco-community is a lively village with many activities and events in line with their social and ecological ideals.


The credit for this book belongs to the very talented author, photographer and Dyssekilde resident, Birgitta Steen. With her camera and creative gaze, she has captured life in the village over the last two years.


Efter vores samarbejde med bogen "Dyssekilde" vil jeg med glæde anbefale Sinéad. At overholde deadlines og leverer tingene til tiden, er noget jeg sætter stor pris på i mit arbejde med bøger, og det har Sinéad til fulde levet op til.


Hun har desuden et rigt og varieret ordforråd både på engelsk og dansk og hun er god til at finde det rigtige udtryk og udfører hurtigt og præcist sine opgaver.


Det har varet en stor fornøjelse at samarbejde med Sinéad.


Birgitta Steen

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