I’m a book nerd – do you know that empty feeling of finishing a book and wanting more? Well, that’s me.
I get engrossed and I usually have a few books ‘on the go’: something new, a classic – there’s a long list here – but I love The Forsyte Saga, The Woman in White and The Moonstone; something easy – this is for when my brain can’t take in new plot twists and turns, but I still want to read, so I usually turn to Agatha Christie or Sue Townsend; something historical – I’m a big fan of Pat Barker, James Clavell and Jan Guillou; something fantasy – apart from the obvious – Tolkien – I love the worlds created by Eoin Colfer and Stephen King; something non-fiction – I love cooking, so I read a lot of cookbooks; something professional – at the moment that’s various books on creative writing. And, of course, something Danish – Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen, Lone Vitus, Maria Helleberg, Karen Blixen (I love Babette's Feast), Kathrine Assels, Zakiya Ajmi, Lene Kaaberbøl, – and, I have a list of books that I want to read that is growing daily.
My areas of expertise include: archaeology, architecture, education, history, the humanities, lifestyle, literature, psychology and social sciences.
I've worked with academics and universities, galleries, authors and publishers, complementary therapists, museums and cultural institutions and TV and film production companies.
I was founding secretary of DELT (the Association of Danish-English Literary Translators). You can find more information on our website.
I am also a mentor with the Association of of Translators and Interpreters Ireland.
Mine mange års erfaring som akademiker, arkæolog, engelsk sproglærer og dansk til engelsk-oversætter betyder, at jeg kender og forstår denne målgruppe, som DU/I ønsker at kommunikere med – min del af opgaven er at åbne for strømmen af kommunikation ved at oversætte dine/jeres tekster.
Mine faglområder inkluderer: arkæologi, arkitektur, uddannelse, historie, de humanistiske fag, literatur, livstil, psykologi og samfundsvidenskab.
Jeg har samarbejdet med akademikere og universiteter, forfattere og forlag, alternativ behandlere, museer og kulturinstitioner og tv og film produktionselskaber.